By Hydrosimulatics INC  

The Radius of Influence, R(t), is the horizontal radial distance from a well to the points in an aquifer where there is negligible influence from pumping. The influence radius of a pumping well depends on two key factors - hydraulic diffusivity (T/S) and time.

Problem A. Use 1) dimensional analysis and 2) the Theis solution to show that R(t) is proportional to sqrt (T/St)

Problem B. Explain both mathematically and physically why the impact of pumping on a confined aquifer is dramatically larger than that on a unconfined aquifer,

Problem C. Develop a MAGNET model that can reproduce the Theis solution for the following specific situation and perform a sensitivity analysis of the aquifer drawdown model with respect to hydraulic conductivity, storage coefficient, and time.

Given information:

  •  K = 100m/day,
  • Aquifer thickness = 20m 
  • Storage coefficient = 0.0001
  • specific yield = 0.1
  • pumping rate = 1000 m3/day 


MAGNET/Modeling Hints:
